Robotics and Automation

In the field of Robotics and Automation at Paris Metropolitan University, students will learn the principles, technologies, and applications of robotics and automation systems. They can expect to gain knowledge in robot design, programming, control, perception, and integration with other systems. By the end of the program, students can expect to possess the skills and knowledge required to design and develop robotic systems, automate processes, optimize efficiency and productivity, and contribute to advancements in industries such as manufacturing, healthcare, agriculture, and logistics.

This curriculum covers the foundational concepts and skills required in robotics and automation. Students will learn about robot components, programming, perception, control, and applications. Practical projects, hands-on exercises, and simulations will be included to provide real-world experience. By the end of the program, students will be equipped to design, develop, and deploy robotic systems, automate processes, and contribute to advancements in robotics and automation. Graduates can pursue careers as robotics engineers, automation specialists, robotics software developers, or robotics project managers.

Course information

  1. Educational Background: Possess a high school diploma or its equivalent. Prior coursework or experience in mathematics or computer science may be advantageous but is not mandatory.
  2. Language Proficiency: Demonstrate proficiency in the English language, as the course may be delivered in English. Applicants may need to provide evidence of their English language skills, such as a valid English proficiency test score.
  3. Application Form: Complete the university’s application form, providing personal and educational information.
  4. Statement of Purpose: Submit a statement of purpose explaining their motivations, career goals, and expectations from the program. This statement helps the admissions committee assess the applicant’s alignment with the program’s objectives.
  5. Identification Documentation: Submit a clear copy of their ID or passport to verify their identity.
  1. Coursework: Attend and actively participate in all modules and classes, demonstrating a commitment to learning and a solid understanding of the subject matter.
  2. Assignments and Projects: Complete assignments, projects, and assessments assigned during the course, showcasing the application of knowledge and practical skills.
  3. Examinations: Successfully pass any required examinations or assessments that are part of the course evaluation.
  4. Capstone Project: Successfully complete the final project-based learning module, which involves building a software application or system. This project serves as a culmination of the skills and knowledge acquired during the program.
  5. Attendance: Maintain satisfactory attendance and participation in classes and activities throughout the course duration.

Module 1:

  • Introduction to Robotics: Concepts, History, and Applications

  • Robot Components and Systems: Actuators, Sensors, and Control Systems

  • Robot Kinematics: Forward and Inverse Kinematics, End Effectors, and Grippers

Module 2:

  • Robot Programming: Basics of Robot Programming Languages and Environments

  • Robot Perception: Computer Vision, Object Recognition, and Localization

  • Robot Navigation: Path Planning, Collision Avoidance, and Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM)

Module 3:

  • Robot Control: PID Control, Trajectory Planning, and Motion Control
  • Robot Manipulation: Grasping and Manipulation Techniques
  • Human-Robot Interaction: Interfaces, Teleoperation, and Collaborative Robotics

Module 4:

  • Robot Localization and Mapping: Kalman Filters, Particle Filters, and SLAM Algorithms

  • Robot Learning: Reinforcement Learning, Supervised Learning, and Imitation Learning

  • Robot Ethics and Safety: Ethical Considerations in Robotics and Safety Standards

Module 5:

  • Industrial Automation: Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Factory Automation, and Assembly Lines
  • Robot Vision: 3D Perception, Object Tracking, and Visual Servoing
  • Swarm Robotics: Collective Behaviors and Swarm Intelligence

Module 6

  • Robot Integration and System Design: Integrating Robots with Other Systems and IoT
  • Robot Simulation and Virtual Environments
  • Capstone Project: Designing and Implementing a Robotics and Automation Solution

Course Details:

  • Assessment Method: Combination of Coursework and Capstone Project
  • Program Duration: 3 months
  • Study Mode: Online
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