• Paris Metropolitan University is a prestigious institution located in Paris, France.
  • You can apply online through the Paris Metropolitan University official website.

The authorization to operate and grant degrees is from the Rector of the Paris Academy, Rector of the Ile-de-France academic region.

  • The rectorate office of the Paris Metropolitan University is the education authority in Paris under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of National Education.
  • Paris Metropolitan University is dedicated to cutting-edge education with a strong emphasis on emerging technologies such as Information Technologies, Robotics and Automation, Cybersecurity, as well as a wide range of business programs. We offer Executive studies, Master studies, and doctoral studies, all designed to prepare our students for success in these rapidly evolving fields. Our commitment to innovation and business education ensures that our graduates are well-equipped to excel in today’s dynamic tech and business landscapes.

Paris Metropolitan University is a privately funded (non-contracted) institution. Our authorization falls under the category of a private higher education institution. Therefore, our degrees are not equivalent to those issued by publicly funded institutions in France.

The degrees obtained from the Paris Metropolitan University are per the Code de’l Education Articles L 444-1 a 444-11 et R 444-1 a 444-28.  – submitted for authorization


Each program must be approved and authorized by the Rector of Paris Academy to offer and delivered to the students. Each program, such as Executive, Master, and Doctoral, must be approved in writing through a letter from the Rectorate of Paris Academy.

Please request to see specific program authorization and approval before enrolling in a program.

The Ministry of National Education recognizes Paris Metropolitan University through the Rector of the Paris Academy, the education authority of Paris. 


Recognition for all educational institutions is given by the Ministry of National Education of France. Recognition means the authority to operate as an educational institution. The categories of the institution in higher education in France are:

  1. grands établissements publics (major public institutions)
  2. grandes écoles (elite schools)
  3. administrative public institutions; private higher education institutions or schools.

Paris Metropolitan University falls under the 3rd category of institution.


Accreditation in France is not mandatory for private institutions but can be applied by certain institutions.

1. Accreditation for Business Schools

The Commission d’évaluation des formations et diplômes de gestion (CEFDG, in English National Commission for the Evaluation of Training and Qualifications in Management) was created by Decree number 2001-295 on April 4, 2001 Decree No. 2001-295 of 4 April 2001 establishing the Commission for the Evaluation of Management Training and Diplomas – Légifrance (legifrance.gouv.fr) to give Master’s degree accreditation to French business schools.

Note: Only the institutions authorized to confer national qualifications can apply for this Accreditation.

2. Accreditation for Engineering Schools

Commission des Titres d’Ingénieur (CTI) is the central committee responsible for evaluating and accreditation higher education institutions to train professional engineers in France. It regulates the issuance of the Diplôme d’ingénieur and the use of the academic title of “Ingénieur Diplomé” (qualified graduate engineer).
Established by law on 10 July 1934, CTI is not an independent administrative authority but an autonomous structure within the Ministry of Higher Education and Research. In France, CTI is the relevant body in charge of carrying out evaluation procedures that lead to the Accreditation of the institutions to award the engineering degree “titre d’ingénieur diplômé.”

Note: Paris Metropolitan University is not an engineering school; therefore, this Accreditation is not applicable.

3. Association of Grandes Ecoles Schools (French Elite Institutions)

The Conférence des Grandes Écoles (CGE), French for “Conference of Grandes Écoles”, is a French national institution, created in 1973.
It mainly acts as an association of Grandes Écoles, providing representation, research, and Accreditation. A Grande école is a French institution of higher education that is separate from, but parallel and often connected to, the main framework of the French public university system.
Grandes écoles are elite academic institutions that admit students through a highly competitive process, and a significant proportion of their graduates occupy the highest levels of French society.
Like Ivy League schools in the United States, Oxbridge in the U.K., and C9 League in China, graduation from a grande école is considered the prerequisite credential for any top government, administrative and corporate position in France.

Note: Paris Metropolitan University is not a “Grande Ecole” school. Therefore, we cannot apply to be a member of this association and its quality assurance.

  • You can contact the Paris Metropolitan University admissions office or international office through their official website, email, or phone for any additional information or inquiries.